
Tamil Teacher

Updated: March 21, 2024 07:19 PM GMT

Mount Litera Zee School

Mount Litera Zee School

Avinashi, Tamil Nadu

We Need Candidates For Tamil Teacher. 1 - 2 Years Experience Compulsory.

More info about this Tamil Teacher Job:

1. How much salary can I expect for this role?
Ans. Mount Litera Zee School will provide a salary in the range of 8000 INR to 10000 INR. The exact salary will be decided based on your skills, experience and interview performance.

2. What are the educational requirements for this job?
Ans. Mount Litera Zee School expects the desired candidate to have the following educational requirement: Graduate.

3. Is this a work from home job or a work from office job?
Ans. This is a work from office job.

4. Is there a gender requirement for this job?
Ans. Yes, only female candidates can apply for this job.

5. Are there any unique skills required for this job?
Ans. Mount Litera Zee School does not expect the candidate to have any predefined skills.

6. How much experience is required for this job?
Ans. Mount Litera Zee School expects the candidate to have 1 - 2 Years of... More Detail

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